35 years after the Fall of Saigon, I'm rather ironically celebrating the 'National Holiday' in the southern coastal getaway town of Phan Thiếtfor sun, shells and brews. First-rate merrymaking as always.
Grilling up Sò điệp (Scallops). Packed nightly with snail lovers.
Răng mực = Squid Teeth. Anyone know the actual part of the squid I was eating since I'm rather certain they don't have teeth?!? Either way, whatever little morsels I was grubbing on were tasty- especially the batter fried buns (chiên bột).
Dunk that Miền Trung style (Central Việt Nam) squid/pork/shrimp stuffed Bánh xèo into a bath of sweet fish sauce with fresh greens. It don't get no beTTuh.
Mì Quảng = Phan Thiết genre. A bit wetter than the noodles found in Đà Nẵng. This joint mixed both egg and rice noodles for a tantalizing sensory overload. Oh yeah- that's a swine leg [giò heo]sitting on top and it's damn toothpick tender.
Brews = Compulsory. Ice = Vital.
The daily grind. But for how long? All actions have consequences.
Stay Aware.
Look like you had a lots of good foods in Than Thiet :) Thank for posting, i really enjoying reading your blog!
Look like you had a lots of good foods in Than Thiet :) Thank for posting, i really enjoying reading your blog!
Great photos! The food looks delicious!
Nice blog, you're making me salivate!
can the "rang muc" possibly be the tentacles?
Actually found out it's the squid mouth. Now I can rest in peace.
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