Country Cock 'n Balls

Over working in the Mekong Delta the other day, locally known as miền tây. In the countryside lots of things are different. Farming is the main (practically only?) economy, helmets are optional and fluorescent purple and orange designer knock off shirts reign supreme in the fashion world. They also eat a more 'rustic' diet, if you will. This isn't saying that Saigonese won't chow down on a fertilized duck embryo or young grilled dog ribs- but in the countryside sustenance isn't always guaranteed with such meager salaries. Not the time to be picky about your peas and carrots.

Just a little 'Bình Dân' spot serving up the local speciality of the Đồng Tháp province, Lẩu gà nòi. Lẩu is a table side hot-pot, most popularly paired with seafood. The gà nòi is a hot-tempered breed of Vietnamese chicken similar to a gamecock. They run around as they please and some varieties of gà nòi are raised for cockfighting. Just be sure to check for metal spikes before slurping down your bowl.

Your bubbling pot of cock parts and local veggies. Usually eaten with Bún (rice vermicelli), today we ate with Mì gói (instant noodles).

A nice plate of chopped up gà nòi. I really like the sprinkled fried shallot flakes on top. Shows me they really care about presentation. Anyways I'm no vet so don't ask me what all these scraps are, I just have a feeling nothing is wasted. Those white kidney-looking pair of nuggets resting on top of this mound of offal, take a guess. I told you this chicken was a male right? Well, the lady I was with kept saying 'the eggs of the male chicken'. I was thinking to myself, 'males have eggs'? I found out eventually that I was eating gamecock nuts. The flavor was like a mild pate, but the texture was a bit offensive. I liken the insides to semi-soft tofu, and when your teeth broke through the outer skin it was an experience not to dissimilar to snacking on gushers for the first time. Either way, finished 'em both, cause if you only eat one they say only one of yours will function properly. Can't be havin' that.

Stay Squeamish.

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