Cháo Down on some pig parts

Like so many other Chinese originated dishes, cháo (rice porridge) is a big hit in Nam and found most everywhere. A sackload of different varieties of this daybreak gruel are on tap, like lươn (eel), vịt (duck), huyết (blood cockles), mực (squid) and even lá dứa (pandan flavored). Usually eaten for breakfast, tonight I'm hitting up an alleyway in District One for some evening cháo lòng. Get up.

Hẻm [alley] 152 off of Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai. From around 3 - 9 p.m.

Sure it's not the prettiest bowl of brownish rice slop you've ever rested your eyes on...mà miễn là ngon. Coagulated pig's blood, pig cartilage, pig heart, pig intestines, pig liver, pig blood-sausage, and pig tongue. Did I miss anything? Don't matta'. You'll be too busy slurpin' that broth clean outta the bowl to try and analyze which organ is which. The broth is pure pig stock richness, of course. The Chinese-style donuts [Giò cháo quẩy] give a little crisp texture and shredded ginger is provided for...ziiiiiing. Grubable for sure- well worth the 18.000 per.

Stay Ngon.


Mai@FlavorBoulevard said...

good stuff, Anthony. Are you American? Người Mỹ around me always run away from any hint of innards. Sigh.

A. Rizzi said...

Ừ, đúng rồi. Anh là Người Mỹ mà sành ăn. People just gotta used to it, like the first time smelling nước mắm. But it's probably the same reaction I get when I try to get some people here to try feta cheese. 'không biết ăn! Béo quá!'

Kagwa Kironde said...



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